IND-031: PrimaryTaxpayerPrioirYearPIN or PrimaryTaxpayerPriorYearAGIAmt in the Return Header must match the e-File database.
Please note this reject code comes directly from the IRS. This article is intended to help you fix the field causing the reject code. Please follow the step by step guide to resubmit your return.
What does this rejection mean?
The IRS has rejected your Federal Tax Return because the Prior Year AGI or Prior Year PIN entered does not match what the IRS has on file. Please see the IRS Validating Efile page for additional information regarding electronic signature requirements.
If you filed your tax return by paper (mailed it to IRS), did not file a tax teturn, or if you are entering the Prior Year AGI from your tax return or transcript and the IRS is still rejecting your return, we recommend that you enter zero into the Prior Year AGI box, and leave the Prior Year Pin box blank. In most cases, the IRS will process the return with zero entered as the Prior Year AGI if they reject the correct value. The IRS does not provide tax software companies or tax preparers the expected Prior Year AGI or Prior Year PIN.
You can find details about your rejected return by selecting Get eFile Status on the Navigation Page.
If you do not know your Prior Year AGI, or Prior Year PIN, you will need to go to the IRS website and select Get Your Tax Record on their home page.
There are two ways to obtain a tax transcript. One is electronically (this is the quickest way), and the second is by mail. You will find information about this on the IRS website.
How to fix the IRS IND-031 reject code
1) Enter the return, select Sign Return under the Checklist on the Return Summary
2) Select Federal Return. This will open the Federal Signature Page.
3) Press Save & Continue to get to the Federal Online Filing Signature Page. Scroll down to the Taxpayer's Identification Verification. You can correct the Prior Year AGI on this page. Once the update has been made, select to start the return filing process to resubmit the electronic filing.
Please note:
If you continue to have this rejection, the IRS will require that the return be paper-filed.