IND-180:Primary Taxpayer's Identity Protection Personal Identification Number (IP PIN) must match the e-File database. Please double check your entry and resubmit your return with the correct number.
What does this rejection mean?
This means that the IRS has rejected your return due to an indirect or missing IP-PIN. If you believe that the IRS did not issue you an IP-PIN, but you have a rejection that the IRS is requiring an IP-PIN, you need to contact the IRS. If you do not believe you have been issued an IP-PIN, but have entered something in that field, remove the information and leave that box empty. If you did report identity theft to the IRS, a IP-PIN would be issued by the IRS as a standard measure to help victims of identity theft. The IRS process to issue an IP-PIN is described at the website:
The IRS should have provided you with your IP-PIN in a letter sent to you, or if you self-registered for an IP-PIN, it may have been provided to you online. For more information about retrieving your IP-PIN, please see the IRS resource at
The IRS does not allow tax software companies or tax preparers to access or change your IP-PIN. You will need to work directly with the IRS to obtain your IP-PIN.
Once you enter or corrected your IP-PIN entry, you can resubmit your return to the IRS for processing. There is no fee to resubmit a rejected tax return to the IRS.
You can also call this number to retrieve your IP-PIN info (800-908-4490) Mon-Fri 7:00 AM -7:00 PM
How to fix the IND-180 rejection:
1) Enter the return, select Sign Return under the Checklist on the Return Summary
2) Select Federal Return. This will open the Federal Signature Page.
3) Press Save & Continue to get to the Federal Online Filing Signature Page. Scroll down to the Taxpayer's Identification Verification. You can correct the Taxpayer's Identity Protection PIN on this page. Once the update has been made, select to start the return filing process to resubmit the electronic filing.